During my Unlimited Main Commission, I've been able to build up my tech kit, so that now, I can measure biorhythms & record them in both audio & visual sound, which I then take back to my studio as the basis for composition, creating music in collaboration with the Natural World. I thought I'd show you 2 of my newest apps, both of which have been a helpful part of my daily practice.
Spectral frequency measures the texture of sound. It is used in hearing tests to help ascertaIn what you can and can not hear, so that the audiologist can program your hearing aids. The Spectral frequency screenshot I have included here, is measuring the biorhythms of a young oak tree at Coed Cwm Elan. To the left of this reading, you can see the pitch of the nuclear power plant that is in the distance. Even with my hearing aids in, I did not hear this sound, but, it is ever present, as we can see from the spectral frequency. ELECTRONIC STETHOSCOPE The second video is of an electronic stethoscope that I use to record the inside of trees. Here, I am testing it on myself. It is my heartbeat you can hear and it's strong because flesh conducts sound easier than wood. With the recordings that I have taken so far of trees, the sound is very faint. In fact, it wasn't until I played back the sound in my studio that I even knew it was there, as my hearing aids didn't pick it up - but with the speakers on full volume, it is definitely there. The sound of water travelling along the xylem & phloem tubes, deep inside the trunk. I want to find a way to amplify the volume further and take a recording, so that I can pick out the 'heartbeat' rhythms - which would be so awesome to play on kettle drum - imagine, playing the heart beat of a tree with the resonance of an orchestral drum! WOW! And if I am right, and trees respond to sound, I wonder what would happen to the trees biorhythms if it heard back it's own 'heartbeat'? And it is these questions; the pushing of technological boundaries that excites me, drives me to delve deeper into the natural world, for the more we understand nature, perhaps the more kind we will be to her, just as she nutures and takes care of us. IAITH TECHNOLEG
Gyda'i gilydd, mae gen i tua 20 o gismos, dyfeisiau ac apiau rwy'n eu haddasu i greu celf sain. Mae'n becyn offer sy'n tyfu – a dw i wrth fy modd gyda'r her o ddysgu sut i'w defnyddio, gan eu troi pen i waered a nodiannu seiniau newydd. Rwy'n ceisio ein hailgysylltu ag iaith gyffredinol cerddoriaeth – gan ail-ddynoleiddio'r dechnoleg efallai. Hoffwn i ddangos dau o'm dyfeisiau i chi yma, fel enghraifft ... AMLEDD SBECTROL Mae amledd sbectrol yn mesur gwead sŵn. Mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio mewn profion clyw i helpu i ganfod beth rydych chi'n gallu a ddim yn gallu ei glywed, fel y gall yr awdiolegwyr raglennu eich teclynnau clyw digidol. Mae'r fideo o amledd sbectrol dw i wedi ei gynnwys yma yn mesur biorhythmau Criafolen. Ar y chwith i'r darlleniad hwn, gallwch weld traw'r orsaf ynni niwclear yn y pellter. Hyd yn oed gyda fy nheclynnau clyw, nes i ddim clywed y sŵn hwn, ond mae'n bresennol drwy'r amser, fel y gallwn weld ar yr amledd sbectrol. Dychmygwch, chwarae curiad calon coeden gyda chyseiniant drwm cerddorfaol! WAW! Ac os dwi'n iawn, ac mae coed yn ymateb i sŵn, ys gwn i beth fyddai'n digwydd i fiorhythmau'r goeden pe byddai'n gallu clywed ‘curiad ei chalon ei hun’? Y cwestiynau hyn sy'n gwthio'r terfynau technolegol ac sy'n fy nghyffroi, gan fy ysgogi i gloddio'n ddyfnach i'r byd naturiol – oherwydd, os down i ddeall natur yn well, efallai byddwn yn fwy caredig iddi, yn union fel mae hi'n ein meithrin ninnau ac yn gofalu amdanom. STETHOSGOP ELECTRONIG
Mae'r ail fideo yn dangos y stethosgop electronig rwy'n ei ddefnyddio i recordio tu mewn i goed. Yma, rwy'n ei brofi arnaf i fy hunan. Gallwch glywed curiad fy nghalon ac mae’n gryf oherwydd bod cnawd yn dargludo sŵn yn haws na phren. Gyda'r recordiadau o goed rydw i wedi'u gwneud hyd yma, mae'r sŵn yn wan iawn. Yn wir, doedden i ddim yn gwybod ei fod yno hyd yn oed nes i mi chwarae'r sŵn yn ôl yn fy stiwdio. Roedd fy nheclynnau clyw heb ei synhwyro – ond pan fod y seinyddion ymlaen ar y lefel sain uchaf, mae yno yn bendant: sŵn pell y dŵr yn teithio ar hyd y tiwbiau sylem a ffloem, yn ddwfn y tu mewn i'r boncyff. Rydw i eisiau dod o hyd i ffordd o fwyhau'r lefel sain ymhellach a gwneud recordiad, fel y byddaf yn gallu clywed rhythmau’r 'curiad calon' – byddai'n anhygoel cael chwarae'r rhain ar dympan. |